Madeleine Linke kritisiert schwache Verhandlungsposition der Landes-FDP unter Ministerin Hüskens im Fall Intel 4. November 20244. November 2024 Nach ersten Berichten, dass Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner die Intel-Milliarden für andere Zwecke im Bundeshaushalt nutzen will, zeigt sich, dass Lindner Sparpolitik auf Kosten eines wichtigen Strukturprojektes im Osten machen will und die sachsen-anhaltische FDP um Ministerin Lydia Hüskens sich innerhalb der eigenen Partei offenbar nicht durchsetzen konnte. „Wir erleben hier eine fatale Schwäche der Landes-FDP, die offensichtlich nicht in der […]
Population decline: Saxony-Anhalt needs more immigration! 21. May 202421. May 2024 Due to demographic trends, Saxony-Anhalt will lose more and more of its workforce in the coming years. In order to cushion this decline, our federal state needs significantly more workers from the EU and third countries. According to a recently published study by the Institute for Employment Research in Halle, there will otherwise be a shortage of up to 216,000 […]
In die Zukunft zu investieren zahlt sich aus – Schuldenbremse zukunftsfähig reformieren 4. May 202415. May 2024 Um die Lebensgrundlagen der zukünftigen Generationen zu sichern, müssen wir die anstehenden multiplen Krisen lösen. Für die wichtigste Transformation unserer Zeit, hin zu einer klimaneutralen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, muss der Staat die nötige Handlungsfähigkeit besitzen. Soweit die aktuellen Regelungen der Schuldenbremse notwendige Investitionen in Klimaschutz und Strukturwandel verhindern, sind sie zu reformieren. Drängende Herausforderungen und Krisensituationen, die zu groß für […]
Solar industry: FDP jeopardizes East Germany as a business destination 25. March 202426. March 2024 On the occasion of some media reports that the FDP in the federal government wants to permanently block the resilience bonus for the solar industry in Germany planned by Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck, Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, explains: “The Solar Valley in Bitterfeld-Wolfen has already been needlessly driven against the wall once before by […]
CDU must give up its blockade of the Economic Opportunities Act 20. February 202420. February 2024 Tomorrow, the mediation committee of the Bundestag and Bundesrat will meet on the Economic Opportunities Act. Alliance 90/The Greens are calling on the CDU to give up its blockade. It is currently unclear how the Saxony-Anhalt state government of CDU, SPD and FDP will behave in the Bundesrat. Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, comments: “The economy […]
Freight traffic is left by the wayside 11. February 202411. February 2024 The planned cuts in the federal budget and their impact on the budget of the Federal Ministry of Transport are putting considerable pressure on the expansion of important railroad lines in Germany. The Eastern Freight Corridor North, which runs from Uelzen via Salzwedel and Magdeburg to Halle, is particularly affected by the extensive halt to Deutsche Bahn’s new construction projects. […]
Unused EU funds: State risks losing skilled workers 19. December 202319. December 2023 It has been made public that Saxony-Anhalt will forfeit almost 130 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in 2023. According to media reports, the state will therefore only be able to draw down just under 91% of the total 1.51 billion euros from the fund. Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, explains: “130 million […]
Federal budget: traffic light coalition proves ability to act 13. December 202313. December 2023 Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, comments on the agreement of the traffic light coalition on the key points for the 2024 federal budget: “The traffic light coalition is and remains capable of acting. Following the far-reaching ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, it has succeeded in drawing up a new framework for the 2024 federal budget […]
Electricity price reform lowers energy costs in Saxony-Anhalt 14. August 202314. August 2023 Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, welcomes the ideas of the Federal Network Agency for a fairer distribution of costs for grid fees. In regions where a particularly large amount of renewable energy is generated, especially high fees for grid charges often still have to be paid at present. “Saxony-Anhalt has been an export state for electricity […]
Two years of stalemate coalition 8. August 20238. August 2023 On the occasion of the two-year existence of the governing coalition of CDU, SPD and FDP in Saxony-Anhalt, Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, draws an interim conclusion: “In the meantime, I have given up hope that the coalition will still awaken from its political coma by the next state election. ‘Stalemate coalition’ is probably the best […]