Population decline: Saxony-Anhalt needs more immigration! 21. May 202421. May 2024 Due to demographic trends, Saxony-Anhalt will lose more and more of its workforce in the coming years. In order to cushion this decline, our federal state needs significantly more workers from the EU and third countries. According to a recently published study by the Institute for Employment Research in Halle, there will otherwise be a shortage of up to 216,000 […]
Die EinfĂŒhrung der Bezahlkarte fĂŒr GeflĂŒchtete kritisch begleiten â Diskriminierungsfreiheit sicherstellen 4. May 202415. May 2024 Mit den BeschlĂŒssen des deutschen Bundestages und des Bundesrates haben die LĂ€nder im Rahmen des Asylbewerberleistungsgesetzes nun zusĂ€tzlich zu bestehenden Wegen die Möglichkeit, Leistungen fĂŒr Asylsuchende nun auch per Bezahlkarte auszureichen. BĂNDNIS 90/DIE GRĂNEN sieht die derzeitigen Debatten um die Ausgestaltung dieser MaĂnahme durch LĂ€nder und Kommunen kritisch. Die EinfĂŒhrung der Bezahlkarte birgt die Gefahr, dass die gesellschaftliche Integration und […]
The Bundesrat must legalize cannabis 18. March 202418. March 2024 Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, comments on the current debate on a possible blockade of the cannabis law by the CDU/CSU in the Bundesrat: “The CDU/CSU have made it clear that they want to stick to their failed drug policy. The ‘law on the controlled use of cannabis’ is to be stopped in the mediation committee […]
Federal budget: traffic light coalition proves ability to act 13. December 202313. December 2023 Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, comments on the agreement of the traffic light coalition on the key points for the 2024 federal budget: “The traffic light coalition is and remains capable of acting. Following the far-reaching ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, it has succeeded in drawing up a new framework for the 2024 federal budget […]
World Men’s Day: Early screening saves lives! 3. November 20233. November 2023 Statistics show that men worldwide live on average five to seven years shorter than women. There are reasons for this: Studies show that in addition to a higher tendency towards risky behavior, there is also a simultaneous reluctance to visit the doctor and undergo preventive check-ups among men. Men are more likely to be overweight than women. The suicide rate […]
Minister HĂŒskens again blocks a nationwide student transit pass 27. September 202327. September 2023 On the occasion of the special conference of transport ministers meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, states: “For students in Saxony-Anhalt, the Deutschland-Ticket is currently still a bad deal. This is mainly due to a blockade by Infrastructure Minister HĂŒskens, who continues to refuse a uniform nationwide solution for students. We are therefore calling […]
Two years of stalemate coalition 8. August 20238. August 2023 On the occasion of the two-year existence of the governing coalition of CDU, SPD and FDP in Saxony-Anhalt, Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, draws an interim conclusion: “In the meantime, I have given up hope that the coalition will still awaken from its political coma by the next state election. ‘Stalemate coalition’ is probably the best […]
Children’s Day: No child should have to live in poverty 31. May 20234. June 2023 On the occasion of International Children’s Day on June 1, 2023, the state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, Dennis Helmich, states: “Every fourth child in Saxony-Anhalt, over 80,000 young people, are affected by poverty. Especially children of single parents, mostly women, are particularly often affected by poverty and every fifth child in the entire Federal Republic is currently at […]
Studentische BeschĂ€ftigte StĂ€rken â TV-Stud Jetzt! 6. May 202315. May 2023 Laut einer Studie des Statistischen Bundesamtes vom November 2022, waren 76,1% der Studierenden, die allein oder in WGs leben, unmittelbar von Armut bedroht.[1] Als armutsgefĂ€hrdet gelten alle BĂŒrger*innen, die weniger als 60% des mittleren Einkommens der Gesamtbevölkerung verdienen. Von den horrenden Mietpreisen, ĂŒber die steigenden Nebenkostenabrechnungen, hin zu explodierenden Lebensmittelpreisen â das letzte Jahr war fĂŒr Studierende eine enorme Herausforderung. […]
Tour blog: Saxony-Anhalt: sustainable and innovative 22. April 20234. June 2023 Our state chairman Dennis Helmich has been traveling throughout Saxony-Anhalt in recent days. He visited companies that are already distinguished by their innovative approach, a special focus on sustainability or courageous founders. This is the tour diary. Inflotec Magdeburg First stop on my business tour today was @inflotec_md. The young company (founded in 2020) is making great strides to raise […]