Support us with Your Donation

For clear socio-ecological policies and a strong voice for environmental and climate protection, we need strong Greens. Reaching our voters and convincing them of our positions costs money – not only during election campaigns.

If you would like to support green politics, we would be happy to receive your donation.

Donation bank account: IBAN DE91 8105 3272 0641 0399 64 at the Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg

Important: Please only use the word “Spende” and your address as the payment reference. This way we can send you a donation receipt. Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations in kind.

Donors pay only half
People who donate to a party get 50% of the donation refunded on their tax return – if the donation is less than € 1,650 (single) or € 3,300 for married people.
So: if you donate € 100, you only pay € 50 according to German financial tax code.

Party donations are special expenses
From a tax perspective, party donations are special expenses and can be deducted as such to a limited extent. The tax deductibility of party donations is regulated in the German Income Tax Act in § 34 g and § 10 b para. 2.

Party donations from corporations are not tax-advantaged. Donations by partnerships are deductible within the above maximum amounts if the donation is made by name by a partner.

We would like to inform you about our work and inspire you with the topics and goals of our party. To fulfill these goals, we also rely on support through donations. Therefore, on the basis of Article 6 (1) f of the European Data Protection Regulation, we process your data and criteria for interest-based donor selection, e.g. for postal or electronic donation mailings or calls. For this purpose, we have stored your name, postal address and, if applicable, e-mail, telephone number, bank account details and previous payments in our database.

If you do not wish this, you can object to the use of your data in principle or for specific purposes at any time. You have the rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or data protection claims have been violated, you can complain to a supervisory authority for data protection.

In addition, we would like to point out that in the course of our duty of public accountability pursuant to the German Political Parties Act §25 (3), we are obliged to submit your name and address to the German Bundestag for publication if your donations, membership fees or mandate holder contributions exceed a total value of €10,000 per year.

In addition, we have also committed ourselves by party conference resolution to publish even smaller donations of 500€ or more on our website. For this, however, the possibility of anonymous naming is available upon request.

Pursuant to Section 23 of the German Political Parties Act, our statement of accounts must also be audited by an independent auditing firm. To this end, we are obliged to provide our auditing company (VRT Linzbach, Löcherbach & Partner Revisionsgesellschaft mbH) with personal data upon request. Finally, the responsible tax office may also request to inspect personal data for auditing purposes.

You can reach us at: ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt Regional Association, Otto-von-Guericke-Str. 65, 39104 Magdeburg; phone: 0391-4015539; Information on our data protection provisions can be found at