Statute for a Diverse Party Preambel The diversity of our party is our strength. We share political power and see ourselves as an alliance party that is open to different experiences, ideas and approaches based on shared convictions. We rely on diverse biographical experience and diverse perspectives from across the breadth of society to find comprehensive answers as a party to issues that affect us as a whole society. We therefore make it our mission to design our structures to be inclusive and non-discriminatory with respect to gender, racial, anti-Semitic or anti-Roma attribution, religion and belief, disability or illness, age, language, sexual orientation or gender identity, social, financial or educational status, or origin. Our party structures must be understandable, accessible and permeable. We make invisible and excluding structures visible and strengthen spaces in our party where people with experiences of discrimination can exchange, network and strengthen each other in a protected setting. The representation of socially discriminated or disadvantaged groups should at least correspond to their social share at the respective level. We also want to visibly represent the diversity of people in Saxony-Anhalt. All subdivisions and suborganizations as well as committees and assemblies are required to respect and strengthen these goals. Our goal is cohesion in diversity. §1 Representation We want diverse perspectives to be reflected in our party. The representation of socially discriminated or disadvantaged groups at least according to their social share at the respective level is our goal. The state executive committee will regularly evaluate the composition of and experiences of discrimination in the party, based on the federal party’s scientific research, and implement measures to promote diversity within the party. A report on this will be presented and discussed at the state party conference every two years. All subdivisions and suborganizations as well as committees and assemblies are encouraged to respect and strengthen these goals. § 2 Assemblies Presidiums shall be shall be staffed as diversely as possible. People who belong to discriminated groups shall be given priority in appointments. At internal and external events, care shall be taken to ensure that speakers reflect social diversity. All events organized by ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS must be designed to be barrier-free. In addition to physical access, this also includes time, financial and social factors. The state party ensures that all party events are a safe environment for people belonging to discriminated groups. More details are regulated in the Guidelines for Inclusion at ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS. § 3 Hiring of employees Foto: Getty Images As an employer, ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt is committed to the diversity statute and to empowering people who belong to discriminated groups. Paid positions should reflect social diversity at all levels of qualification. To this end, job advertisements must be designed in such a way that they meet the objectives of the diversity statute and particularly appeal to people who belong to discriminated groups. In areas where people belonging to discriminated groups are underrepresented, they will be given preference in hiring when their skills are equal. When cooperating with partners and service providers, care is taken to ensure that they work in a non-discriminatory manner. Cooperation with persons or organizations that contradict the goals of a diverse society does not take place. § 4 Empowerment and training ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt creates offers for the empowerment of groups that are discriminated against or underrepresented in the party. ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt creates offers for diversity-political and discrimination-critical education and training. All office bearers and employees of the party are to participate in such a measure once in 2 years. The state association, in cooperation with the federal party, provides funds for the tasks mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2. Central information and manifestos are, in addition to German, to also be published in simple language and in English. § 5 Delegation to the Diversity Council The state association sends one member of the state executive committee and one grassroots member to the diversity council of the federal association. For the delegation of the state executive committee, the state executive committee has a right of nomination; an application for the grassroots delegation is open to every member of ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt. For each delegation substitute delegates are to be elected. The delegation has to consider the representation of the diversity of the society. The delegation is elected every 2 years, starting with the grassroots delegation, at a state party conference. The delegates shall report regularly to the state executive committee and the state party on the work of the Diversity Council. § 6 State working groups (LAGs) Foto: Getty Images In addition to the state executive board, the committees responsible for diversity include the LAG Social Affairs, the LAG QueerGrün, the LAG Women, the LAG Democracy and Law, and the LAG Education. Diversity is at the same time a cross-cutting issue for ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS, which is to be dealt with by all state specialist groups. § 7 Diversity Project Group The state executive board shall establish a “Diversity Project Group” to further develop the measures of the state party. The “Diversity Project Group” has the right to comment in a speech on all motions to the state party congress that concern the diversity policy principles of ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS of Saxony-Anhalt. The “Diversity Project Group” deliberates on matters of the party’s diversity policy between state party congresses and deals with matters delegated to it by the state executive committee. § 8 Diversity spokesperson A spokesperson on diversity policy is appointed to the state executive board. The diversity policy spokesperson has the task of monitoring the diversity policy in the state association in cooperation with the “Diversity Project Group”. At the same time, this person is the state association’s representative against discrimination and bullying. § 9 Diversity Officer Foto: Getty Images A diversity officer will be appointed in the regional office. In cooperation with the diversity policy spokesperson and the “Project Group Diversity”, the Diversity Officer develops measures that contribute to the desired equal participation and representation of discriminated groups and people within ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS and in society. The Diversity Officer has the right of access, insight and co-determination in the committees of the state association. The Diversity Officer shall advise district and local associations. § 10 Validity The Diversity Statute is an integral part of the statutes of the Saxony-Anhalt state association of ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS. It comes into force on the day of its adoption. The district associations are requested to include regulations in their statutes and to take measures that contribute to social diversity in their bodies, insofar as the regulations of this statute are not directly applicable. Adopted at the 45th state party conference of ALLIANCE 90/THE GREENS Saxony-Anhalt on 27.11.2021