Near You The Greens in Saxony-Anhalt The Green Party of Saxony-Anhalt is made up of 13 local branches. There are also hundreds of green councillors who are active in all district councils and many municipalities. If you would like to find out more about what is happening in your area please find your local or regional branch below and get in touch as they will be very happy to hear from you. Altmark Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TelegramAnhalt-Bitterfeld Website | Facebook | InstagramBörde Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramBurgenlandkreis Website | Facebook | TwitterDessau-Roßlau Website | Facebook | InstagramHalle (Saale) Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramHarz Website | Facebook | InstagramJerichower Land Website | FacebookMagdeburg Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TelegramMansfeld-Südharz Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramSaalekreis Website | Facebook | InstagramSalzlandkreis Website | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramWittenberg Website | Facebook | Instagram