Energietour-Blog: Sachsen-Anhalt: nachhaltig und innovativ 21. July 202326. July 2023 Photovoltaik, Windräder, Biogas, Geothermie – wir wollen unabhängig werden von dreckigen fossilen Energieerzeugern wie Kohle und Gas. Überall in Sachsen-Anhalt treiben Menschen die Energiewende voran. Unsere Landesvorsitzende Madeleine Linke ist daher in diesem Sommer quer durch unser Bundesland unterwegs. Altmark: Wind- und Agri-Photovoltaikanlagen Der erste Stopp auf der Energietour brachte Madeleine in die Altmark. In Stendal plant und betreut das […]
Support for the domestic solar industry is coming 25. June 202325. June 2023 The federal government announced on Friday that in the future it wants to support companies that want to establish or expand production capacities in the solar industry in Germany. Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens, explains: “The last few years have shown: supply shortages are possible even in a globalized world and threaten our prosperity. It is therefore […]
Intel is coming to Magdeburg! 19. June 202319. June 2023 Intel is coming to Magdeburg. Europe wants to become less dependent on global supply chains and rely more on its own semiconductor production. Intel and the federal government want to invest more than 30 billion euros here in the coming years. Initially, two Intel semiconductor factories and a high tech park for suppliers are to be built. This will create […]
Affordable and reliable heating 14. June 202314. June 2023 The traffic light coalition has agreed on the key points for the Building Energy Act (GEG). The law will be set up in this session week in the Bundestag for the first reading, so now enters the parliamentary procedure and should be passed before the summer break – and then come into force with 1 January 2024. Madeleine Linke, state […]
We are driving the heat transition forward 25. May 202325. May 2023 There is currently a lot of discussion about the 🚦 federal government’s new heating law. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of fake news circulating about it. Here are the most important facts: ⚡️ Buildings account for slightly more than ⅓ of total energy consumption in Germany. The heat transition, i.e., the conversion of the heating supply away from dirty […]
1.5 billion euros, but no serious representation in Parliament?! 9. May 20239. May 2023 The EU’s funding policy can also be seen everywhere here in Saxony-Anhalt. Funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has been and continues to be used primarily to support improved broadband connections, research, environmental and climate protection, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Saxony-Anhalt currently has 1.5 billion euros at its disposal. So a lot of money is at stake. […]
Tour blog: Saxony-Anhalt: sustainable and innovative 22. April 20234. June 2023 Our state chairman Dennis Helmich has been traveling throughout Saxony-Anhalt in recent days. He visited companies that are already distinguished by their innovative approach, a special focus on sustainability or courageous founders. This is the tour diary. Inflotec Magdeburg First stop on my business tour today was @inflotec_md. The young company (founded in 2020) is making great strides to raise […]
Public housing construction stalls because subsidies are not being used 30. March 202330. March 2023 The state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, Madeleine Linke, criticizes the irresponsible handling of the Saxony-Anhalt Ministry for Infrastructure and Digital of the funds made available by the federal government for public housing. As it became known, Saxony-Anhalt has not used about 21.6 million euros in the program year 2020, in 2021 28 million euros and 2022 again million […]
Xenophobia does not disappear if you ignore it 28. March 202328. March 2023 The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research (IWH) has recently raised many eyebrows in Saxony-Anhalt because it rightly pointed to increased xenophobia in the state as a locational disadvantage in connection with the Intel investment near Magdeburg. Economics Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) is now accusing the IWH of making such statements without “any scientific basis”. Really? Just one look at these […]
An end to subscription frustration! 15. March 202315. March 2023 Since a few months ago, it has been much easier to cancel paid subscriptions, for example for fitness studios, streaming services, newspapers, Internet or cell phone contracts. The federal government under the leadership of Consumer Protection Minister Steffi Lemke has strengthened your rights as consumers in this area as well. Providers are now obliged to place easy-to-find cancellation buttons on […]