Tour blog: Saxony-Anhalt: sustainable and innovative

Our state chairman Dennis Helmich has been traveling throughout Saxony-Anhalt in recent days. He visited companies that are already distinguished by their innovative approach, a special focus on sustainability or courageous founders. This is the tour diary.

Inflotec Magdeburg

First stop on my business tour today was @inflotec_md. The young company (founded in 2020) is making great strides to raise water treatment to a new level. The developers have already received numerous awards. The idea behind Inflotec: The company’s mobile and independent systems can be used, among other things, to clean water highly efficiently and filter out unwanted components, for example, to achieve drinking water quality. The innovative strength of Inflotec and its founders is very impressive and makes an important contribution to the protection of a valuable commodity, our water. Such company stories are very, very important for Saxony-Anhalt as a business location.

Die Frischemanufaktur Halle

Second stop on my business tour: I was a guest today at @diefrischemanufaktur. The start-up, which grew in Halle, provides people and retailers with fresh, natural drinks full of fruit and herbs, but without additives. I am particularly pleased that the founder, Dr. Jenny MĂŒller, decided in Bavaria to take the admittedly too rare path to Saxony-Anhalt to start up and grow here. We need such success stories and we must pave the way politically in the state that Saxony-Anhalt is considered a good launching pad for companies that all want to start small and grow once.

Wittenberg GemĂŒse GmbH

Yesterday was the third stop on my business tour. At the company Wittenberg GemĂŒse GmbH, I learned about the cultivation of tomatoes, peppers and strawberries. The entire plant, including greenhouses, is operated with the waste heat and CO2 from the plant of the nearby SKW Piesteritz and is therefore set up in an energetically sensible way, but also strongly connected with the neighboring company. In addition, the company also has a clear advantage over vegetables and fruits with long travel distances due to regional distribution for climate protection reasons. However, it is also clear that issues such as water consumption and recycling and the topic of packaging waste still pose some hurdles. Thank you for the insight, we remain in open, fair and critical exchange!

Aurora Leuna

As you know, the federal government is currently working on a bill to legalize cannabis in Germany for private recreational use. Home cultivation is to be decriminalized and the protection of minors strengthened. In a second step, production, distribution and dispensing via licensed specialist stores are to be regulated in model projects. To ensure that not only the quality of your weed is good, but also the laws, it is important for us Greens to exchange ideas with companies that already produce cannabis in Germany. Therefore, the fourth stop of my economic tour led me to Leuna together with the deputy federal chairman Heiko Knopf and our member of the state parliament Sebastian Striegel. The company Aurora is one of very few companies in Germany and Europe that are allowed to produce medical cannabis. As you can see on the pictures, this is currently only possible under very high security measures. With the legalization, the traffic light government puts an end to criminalization and relies on reason. We have fought for this for a long time – now we will implement it!

Sosoriso Magdeburg

The last stop on my business tour today took me to @soso.riso in Magdeburg. Here, a wide variety of print products are produced using the risograohie process. This is not only more sustainable and energy-efficient, but from my point of view also more stylish than many conventional printing methods. In addition, the two founders Kevin and Nils have deliberately decided to revitalize their neighborhood in Buckau with a store and they are also excellently networked with the cultural and club landscape of the city. Thank you for your time and the exchange @soso.riso!