Rassistische Gewalt in Magdeburg stoppen – Verantwortung übernehmen, Schutz gewährleisten 22. January 202522. January 2025 Der Anschlag auf den Magdeburger Weihnachtsmarkt am 20. Dezember 2024 war nicht nur ein Angriff auf unschuldige Menschen, sondern auf die gesamte Stadtgesellschaft, Sachsen-Anhalt und unsere freiheitliche und offene Lebensweise. Wir trauern um die sechs Todesopfer und denken an die Verletzten, die noch immer medizinisch versorgt werden. Unser Dank gilt den Ersthelferinnen, Einsatzkräften und Seelsorgerinnen, die unermüdlich im Einsatz waren […]
Stresstest Demokratie 4. May 202415. May 2024 Demokratische und rechtsstaatliche Institutionen krisenfest machen, Beteiligung ausbauen, Zivilgesellschaft stärken und unterstützen Weltweit stehen Demokratien unter Druck und müssen sich angesichts multipler Krisen unserer Zeit bewähren. Auch in Europa und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland haben die ineinander gehenden, massiven und zum Teil maßgeblichen Herausforderungen – u.a. einer sich verschärfenden Klimakrise, Verteilungskonflikte, nachwirkende Effekte der Pandemie, globale Unsicherheit durch Kriege und Terror […]
Green state executive committee: AfD ban procedure must be examined now! 14. January 202414. January 2024 At its closed meeting in Dessau-Roßlau yesterday, Saturday, the state executive committee of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt passed a resolution dealing with the plans for deportation that have come to light in connection with a secret meeting of far-right forces in Potsdam, which was also attended by the AfD parliamentary group leader from Saxony-Anhalt, Ulrich Siegmund. With this resolution, the […]
Confronting right-wing extremism with full force – strengthening the rule of law and civil society! 13. January 202413. January 2024 According to media reports based on intensive research by the Correctiv platform, right-wing extremists, including numerous AfD representatives, held a secret meeting at the end of last year to call for the mass deportation from Germany of people who, in their ethno-racist view, do not belong to the German people, and developed plans and scenarios for this. Ulrich Siegmund, co-chairman […]
In memory of the victims of Halle 9. October 202316. October 2023 Our state chairman Dennis Helmich told the delegates at our state party conference on Saturday how much the terrorist attack in Halle on October 09, 2019 also affected him personally. We remember and commemorate the victims, those affected and injured by the right-wing terrorist attack in Halle. Only a wooden door prevented the perpetrator from entering a fully occupied synagogue. […]
“Where local politicians are threatened, democracy is also threatened!” 6. October 202316. October 2023 After a series of damages and attacks on Green offices, a writing with a call for murder against Greens has now appeared on a clearly visible building wall in the city of Ballenstedt. In response, the state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, Dennis Helmich, states: “This expression of disgusting hatred must not simply become the norm! The security authorities […]
Come to the CSD in Magdeburg! 18. August 202316. October 2023 Tomorrow, Saturday, we will take to the streets of Magdeburg! ✊🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ We demonstrate for #freedom, equal rights and #acceptance and against #discrimination. We go resolutely against homo- and #transphobia on the streets and oppose the agitation of the conservatives. We also protest loudly against the right-wing extremist Reichsbürger, who are gathering at the same time on Magdeburg’s Domplatz. We will […]
Commentary on the mayoral election in Raguhn-Jeßnitz 2. July 20232. July 2023 Commenting on the result of the run-off mayoral election in Raguhn-Jeßnitz, Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, said: “Already in the first round of voting two weeks ago, there had been indications of today’s success of the AfD candidate for mayor. However, there was still the justified hope of defeat, after all, about 20 percent fell to […]
Xenophobia does not disappear if you ignore it 28. March 202328. March 2023 The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research (IWH) has recently raised many eyebrows in Saxony-Anhalt because it rightly pointed to increased xenophobia in the state as a locational disadvantage in connection with the Intel investment near Magdeburg. Economics Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) is now accusing the IWH of making such statements without “any scientific basis”. Really? Just one look at these […]
Tschiche-Demokratiepreis 2022 an Razak Minhel verliehen 17. May 202218. May 2022 BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Sachsen-Anhalt haben zum dritten Mal den Hans-Jochen-Tschiche-Demokratiepreis vergeben. Preisträger ist in diesem Jahr Razak Minhel aus Dessau-Roßlau. Der Preis wurde am gestrigen Montagabend im Multikulturellen Zentrum Dessau-Roßlau überreicht durch Antje Wilde, Witwe des 2015 verstorbenen Hans-Jochen-Tschiche, Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke und Madeleine Linke, Landesvorsitzende von BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Sachsen-Anhalt. Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke, wie der Preisträger ebenfalls aus Dessau-Roßlau, […]