Earlier coal phase-out strengthens Saxony-Anhalt as a business location 2. March 20232. March 2023 Alliance 90/The Greens of Saxony-Anhalt reiterate their demand that the coal phase-out in eastern Germany be brought forward to 2030. This is prompted by recent statements by the Minister Presidents of Brandenburg and Saxony, who do not want to target the coal phase-out until after 2038. Also Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Haseloff and Minister of economics Schulze had expressed themselves similarly recently. In addition the state chairwoman Madeleine Linke explains: “The Prime Ministers Haseloff, Kretschmer and Woidke are jeopardizing East Germany’s prospects as a great place for business. One cannot celebrate the Intel settlement and simultaneously slow down the coal phase-out and the expansion of renewables. After all, companies like Intel chose Saxony-Anhalt as their new location partly because of the high share of renewables in the local electricity mix. Renewables are an enormous locational advantage. They have become a real economic magnet. This makes it all the more important not to miss the boat in terms of expanding renewables! Only through an ambitious expansion of renewable energies will we be able to ensure a climate-neutral energy supply in the coming decade. The expansion also includes the earliest possible phase-out scenario for climate-damaging coal-fired power generation. Anyone who wants to hold on to coal longer is acting negligently and endangering Saxony-Anhalt as a business location. In the interests of Saxony-Anhalt, Minister President Haseloff should accept the German government’s offer to negotiate the bringing forward of the coal phase-out and ensure that the structural transformation funds flow earlier. We will also take to the streets again tomorrow, Friday, together with Fridays for Future, for the demand ‘Coal phase-out 2030’.”