Solar industry: FDP jeopardizes East Germany as a business destination

Seitenansicht einer Mitarbeiterin, die neu hergestellte Solarmodule im Unternehmen inspiziert. Weibliche QualitÀtsingenieurin, die Sonnenkollektoren in der Fabrik untersucht.

On the occasion of some media reports that the FDP in the federal government wants to permanently block the resilience bonus for the solar industry in Germany planned by Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck, Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, explains:

“The Solar Valley in Bitterfeld-Wolfen has already been needlessly driven against the wall once before by wrong political decisions. These mistakes must not be repeated now!”

Referring to statements made by FDP leader Lindner in the ARD program ‘Bericht aus Berlin’, Linke continues: “The self-proclaimed business party FDP is endangering the East Germany business location and hundreds of jobs in the region. It is dishonest for FDP leader Lindner to deny subsidies to solar production in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, while billions of taxpayers’ money have flowed into nuclear and coal-fired power generation for decades.

Europe must become more independent when it comes to key industries of the future. The FDP seems to have forgotten this lesson from the pandemic. What applies to Intel and TSMC must also apply to the solar industry. We in Europe must not be dependent on cheap solar module imports from China!”