Support for the domestic solar industry is coming

Seitenansicht einer Mitarbeiterin, die neu hergestellte Solarmodule im Unternehmen inspiziert. Weibliche Qualitätsingenieurin, die Sonnenkollektoren in der Fabrik untersucht.

The federal government announced on Friday that in the future it wants to support companies that want to establish or expand production capacities in the solar industry in Germany. Dennis Helmich, state chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens, explains:

“The last few years have shown: supply shortages are possible even in a globalized world and threaten our prosperity. It is therefore necessary for Germany and Europe to secure and rebuild their own production capacities in key industries of the future. This also includes the solar industry. It is necessary to strengthen Germany’s energy independence from within Saxony-Anhalt!

Germany was once a leader in the knowledge and production of photovoltaic systems. It is dramatic that we have squandered this lead in the meantime due to strong competition from Asia and the inaction of previous federal governments. Thousands of jobs in the solar industry have been lost negligently over the past decade.

Fortunately, companies such as Mayer Burger and Q-Cells have recently started to invest again here in Solar Valley near Bitterfeld-Wolfen. This rebuilding must now be actively supported!”


The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection has launched a so-called expression of interest procedure for companies interested in future funding. This funding will be directed at companies in the solar industry that in Germany

  • manufacture solar modules or
  • produce the key components required for them or
  • extract, process or recycle the necessary raw materials or plan to do so.