State party conference: Greens position themselves for the future 7. October 202316. October 2023 Von links nach rechts: Susan Sziborra-Seidlitz MdL (parlamentarische Vertreterin Landtagsfraktion), Dennis Helmich (Landesvorsitzender), John Liebau (Landesschatzmeister), Antje Schulz (Beisitzerin), Sandra LĂŒder (Beisitzerin), Danny Lutzemann (Beisitzer), Peter Dittmann (Beisitzer), Madeleine Linke (Landesvorsitzende). Nicht auf dem Bild: Steffi Lemke MdB (parlamentarische Vertreterin Bundestagsfraktion). At its 49th state party conference, Alliance 90/The Greens of Saxony-Anhalt today elected a new state executive board. The delegates once again chose a dual leadership of Madeleine Linke and Dennis Helmich to fill the position of state chairpersons. Madeleine Linke prevailed with 60.7 percent to 39.3 percent against her challenger Michelle Angeli. Linke has a degree in renewable energy engineering, has worked professionally as a mobility researcher, and together with Helmich has led the state association of the Green Party since 2021. Left: “Where right-wing agitation operates against humanity, we stand in the way in our towns and cities, at the campaign stand and sometimes at the dinner table. My claim is that no one in this state association is left alone with this. No matter how loud the agitators shout, we Greens will remain visible and loud.” Dennis Helmich was re-elected as state chairman with a vote of 92.9 percent. Helmich, who was born in 1991, has been a member of the Green city council faction in Halle since 2015 and has led the state association of the Greens in Saxony-Anhalt since 2021. In his candidacy speech, Helmich emphasized, “We Alliance Greens know what we are fighting for. And that’s why we stand together when the wind blows sharply against us. That’s how we’ve always done it. We remain visible. And we will stand together in the town squares of this country before the local elections and not stop seeking dialogue with the people.” Susan Sziborra-Seidlitz MdL and Steffi Lemke MdB were also elected to the state board for the first time as parliamentary representatives from the state and federal parliamentary groups. New state treasurer is John Liebau, who already belonged to the state executive committee since 2019. The state board is completed with the assessors Sandra LĂŒder from Wittenberg, Antje Schulz from Halle (Saale), Danny Lutzemann – also from Halle (Saale), and Peter Dittmann from Salzlandkreis county. Three votes in the context of the upcoming European election 2024 were awarded. Delegates supported MEPs Anna Cavazzini and Erik Marquardt, as well as Magdeburg Green Party district chairwoman Thea-Helene Gieroska, in drawing up the nationwide Green Party list for the European election. The party debated ideas for the 2024 local elections in Saxony-Anhalt. A municipal program was adopted. In it, the Greens advocate, among other things, climate-adapted cities and villages, because the climate crisis is also affecting people and the environment everywhere here in Saxony-Anhalt. Local public transport is also to be expanded. Among other things, it is a question of creating offers that go beyond the necessary safeguarding of school bus transport. When it comes to education, the state Greens are committed to strengthening school social work. The municipal program calls for at least one position for school social work to be created or maintained at every school in the future.