Greens criticize lack of cycling funding from state government 24. April 202324. April 2023 Today, the German Cyclists’ Federation (ADFC), together with the Federal Ministry of Transport, presented the Bicycle Climate Test for 2022. In the survey, cyclists are asked every two years about the cycling conditions in their city or municipality. The overall average rating for Saxony-Anhalt was 4.3. Magdeburg, Burg, Köthen, Zerbst, Aschersleben, Sangerhausen and Quedlinburg are among the worst-rated 10 percent of cities in their size category nationwide. Madeleine Linke, state chairwoman of Alliance 90/The Greens Saxony-Anhalt, commented: “The structures we set up in the previous government to promote cycling are petering out because the government and Minister Hüskens in particular have no interest in cycling.” In reference to one of the minister’s election posters, the Green Party chairwoman comments, “Bike lanes don’t grow on trees, you have to build them! This is especially true in rural areas, where being chased down country roads by 80 km/h trucks is often the only alternative.” The Greens are therefore calling for the swift expansion of bike lanes along state and federal highways and for the state to fund bike infrastructure projects in Saxony-Anhalt’s municipalities. “Getting from one place to another without a car must no longer be a survival risk, but must be possible from one village to another on a safe bike path,” Linke said.